Upcycled Terracotta Vase
For our first DIY in 2021, we wanted to test new ways to upcycle around the office. We tried out this super simple DIY for upcycling some old bowls we had in the office into this stunning, terracotta vase.
What You Need:
- 2 Bowls
- Super Glue (Make sure it’s suitable for ceramics)
- Heavy Books
- Acrylic Paint
- Baking Powder
- Paint Brush
- A Tall Can (like a hairspray or spray paint can)
Apply super glue to the bottom of the top bowl and stack the bottoms together. Make sure it’s sitting evenly. Then stack some heavy books on top to make sure it stays in place and dries securely. It should take around 30 mins to 1 hour for it to fully dry.
We then mixed this custom sage colour and used the trusty trash to terracotta recipe, following the standard ratio of 1 teaspoon of baking powder to every half cup of paint.
PRO TIP: We definitely wouldn't recommend mixing your own custom colour, as it gets a bit troublesome when you need to mix more batches for your 2nd or 3rd coat.
Once the glue is fully dried, stack your vase onto a hairspray can or something tall so that it’s fully suspended. This will make it easier for you to paint even coats along the bottom ridge and also minimise the mess.
Paint 2-3 even coats all over your vase to give it an organic terracotta texture and make sure to allow the paint to fully dry in between coats.