Rosacea and Hormonal Influences: Understanding Flare-Ups and Managing Hormonal Changes

Rosacea, a skin condition characterised by redness, flushing, and sometimes acne-like breakouts, often exhibits connections with hormonal fluctuations, particularly in women. Understanding the link between hormonal changes and rosacea flare-ups is crucial for effective management. Here's an exploration of this correlation and strategies to navigate hormonal influences on rosacea:

Hormonal Fluctuations and Rosacea:

  1. Menopause and Rosacea: Women experiencing menopause might notice changes in their rosacea symptoms. Fluctuating hormone levels, particularly decreased estrogen, can trigger redness and increased sensitivity in some individuals.

  2. Menstrual Cycle: Some women report flare-ups coinciding with their menstrual cycle. Hormonal shifts during menstruation, particularly elevated levels of progesterone, can exacerbate redness and sensitivity.

  3. Pregnancy: Pregnant women might experience changes in rosacea symptoms due to hormonal fluctuations. While some notice improvement, others might see increased redness and sensitivity during pregnancy.

Managing Hormonal Influences on Rosacea:

  1. Identify Triggers: Keep track of hormonal changes and their correlation with rosacea flare-ups. Maintain a diary to recognise patterns and potential triggers.

  2. Skincare Routine: Stick to a gentle skincare routine suitable for sensitive skin, especially during hormonal fluctuations. Avoid harsh products that might irritate the skin.

    Our Anti Redness Bundle provides an incredibly gentle, 100% natural, vegan using only Australian ingredients, and simple to follow morning and evening routine. Using this consistently will help manage your rosacea particularly during hormonal fluctuations.


  3. Stress Management: Practice stress-relief techniques like meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises to manage stress, which can exacerbate rosacea symptoms during hormonal fluctuations.

  4. Healthy Lifestyle: Maintain a balanced diet rich in antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and hydrating foods. Avoid triggers like spicy foods, alcohol, and hot beverages known to worsen redness.

Hormonal influences play a significant role in rosacea flare-ups, particularly in women. By recognising the correlation between hormonal changes and redness, you can implement strategies to manage these fluctuations effectively. Consistency in a gentle skincare routine, stress management, healthy lifestyle choices, and professional guidance can aid in minimizing the impact of hormonal influences on rosacea symptoms.